Monday, March 23, 2020

Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech Essay Example

Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech Essay Development of speech is basic description of a general development for a child. At normal development children have good capabilities for mastering a language. There is close connection between speech development and cerebrum. Speech is a higher psychical function, for this reason, proper speech development depends on cerebration. The mature cortex, properly formed speech apparatus and good hearing are important factors for the normal development of speech. To all enumerated it is needed to add speech environment that similarly will provide the valuable influence on forming speech skills in the child. Using of research papers on childhood apraxia of speech may give you a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, including the main cause for its apparition. They also can be considered good guide showing you the most usable way to collect, process, and present the results of your investigation. However, you have to careful in choosing the source of these proposals as there a lot of poor-quality imitations. Childhood apraxia of speech is a frequent phenomenon and reasons defiant such a disorder are very various. It is never limited to the defects in the pronunciation: a child similarly can badly distinguish sounds, to have a little active and passive dictionary, have difficulties lining up phrases and sentences. As reasons for speech apraxia we can mention: We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer accidents during pregnancy and partus; speech apparatus dysfunctions and disorders; sound-sensing apparatus dysfunctions and disorders; arrested psychical development; unfavourable influences of heredity and social factors, i.e. insufficient speech communication and education of child. The process of speech mastering goes with considerable difficulties for those children that fall behind in physical development, those who suffered diseases in early age, weak, and those, whoever does not get proper nutrition. In most cases, hearing defects become a reason for the delay of speech development. That is to say, bad hearing can result in arrested speech development. If a young child is not able to hear the sound, he will not react to them and he will not be able to imitate them. A senior child uses plenty of gestures and attentively watches motions of lips of talking man. But these signs are not sufficient, for the correct estimation the child hearing because we cannot do exact, literate conclusions only on the basis of behavioural elements that carry a subjective character. Childhood apraxia of speech should be fixed in child’s age because it is exactly in preschool period when child speech develops especially intensively and not corrected speech defects, in the future will cause certain difficulties in communication. Besides difficulties in communication these effects will necessarily result in psychological disorders in the kid, harming the process of his educating not allowing to expose all child’s capabilities and possibilities. At writing service you can order a custom research paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all research paper details: Enjoy our professional research paper writing service!

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Nature-Culture Divide

The Nature-Culture Divide Nature and culture are often seen as opposite ideas- what belongs to nature cannot be the result of human intervention and, on the other hand, cultural development is achieved against nature. However, this is by far not the only take on the relationship between nature and culture. Studies in the evolutionary development of humans suggest that culture is part and parcel of the ecological niche within which our species thrived, thus rendering culture a chapter in the biological development of a species. An Effort Against Nature Several modern authors- such as Rousseau- saw the process of education as a struggle against the most eradicated tendencies of human nature. Humans are born with wild dispositions, such as the one of using violence to achieve one’s own goals, to eat and behave in a disorganized fashion, and/or to act egotistically. Education is that process which uses culture as an antidote against our wildest natural tendencies; it is thanks to culture that the human species could progress and elevate itself above and beyond other species. A Natural Effort Over the past century and a half, however, studies in the history of human development have clarified how the formation of what we refer to as culture in an anthropological sense is part of the biological adaptation of our ancestors to the environmental conditions in which they came to live.Consider, for example, hunting. Such an activity seems an adaptation, which allowed hominids to move from the forest into the savannah some millions of year ago, opening up the opportunity to change diet and living habits. At the same time, the invention of weapons is directly related to that adaptation- but from weapons descend also a whole series of skill sets characterizing our cultural profile, from butchering tools to ethical rules relating to the proper use of weapons (e.g., should they be turned against other human beings or against uncooperative species?). Hunting also seems responsible for a whole set of bodily abilities, such as balancing on one foot as humans are the only primates that can do that. Now, think of how this very simple thing is crucially connected to dance, a key expression of human culture. It is then clear that our biological development is closely tied to our cultural development. Culture as an Ecological Niche The view that came to be most plausible over the past decades seems to be that culture is part of the ecological niche within which humans live. Just as snails carry their shell, so do we bring along our culture. Now, the transmission of culture seems not to be directly related to the transmission of genetic information. Certainly the significant overlap between the genetic makeup of humans is a premise for the development of a common culture that can be passed along from one generation to the next. However, cultural transmission is also horizontal among individuals within the same generation or among individuals belonging to different populations. You can learn how to make lasagna even if you were born from Korean parents in Kentucky just as you can learn how to speak Tagalog even if none of your immediate family or friends speak that language. Further Readings on Nature and Culture The online sources on the nature-culture divide are scarce. Luckily, there are a number of good bibliographical resources that can help out. Here is a list of few of the more recent ones, from which older takes on the topic can be recovered: Peter Watson, The Great Divide: Nature and Human Nature in the Old World and the New, Harper, 2012.Alan H. Goodman, Deborah Heat, and Susan M. Lindee, Genetic Nature/Culture: Anthropology and Science Beyond the Two-Culture Divide, University of California Press, 2003.Rodney James Giblett, The Body of Nature and Culture, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.